Amateur Astronomers in South Western Sydney, Australia
Macarthur Astronomical Society
Macarthur Astronomy Forum
Monday 17th March, 7.30 pm
Dr Theresa Fruth (Sydney Uni)
Dark Matter Detection:
Building a Detector for the Invisible
Macarthur Astronomical Society Incorporated. Founded in 1996
Star Trails: RP

Webmaster’s Pick
Rosette Nebula
Phil Kidd
Click to enlarge!
See our Macastro Gallery for more stunning night sky photography from MAS members.

Western Sydney University
WSU Provost Prof Sarah Lewis welcomed Astronomer Prof Fred Watson AM at our recent Macarthur Astronomy Forum.
Also visit the Notice Board.
We are proud community outreach partners with WSU.

New Activity
Astro Image Group
We are pleased to announce the launch of the MAS Astro Imaging Group for members.
This will bring together members who share an interest in astrophotography and will promote excellence in astro photography with knowledge sharing, learning and camaraderie.
See Here for further details.

What We Do
Dark sky observing sessions for members and beginners workshops.
Macarthur Astronomy Forum, bringing local and international professional astronomers to reveal their latest research.
We collaborate with Western Sydney University and other local institutions to broaden public understanding of the Universe.
See Notice Board for further details.

Macarthur Astronomy Forum
Monthly Meetings with Guest Speakers.
Held in collaboration with Western Sydney University (Campbelltown) and open to the public.
In a different building for 2025
See Notice Board for further details.

Professor Geraint Lewis
Cosmologist, Astrophysicist, Teacher, Author, Public Speaker
Professor of Astrophysics at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy at the University of Sydney School of Physics. MAS Patron and an annual guest speaker at MAS since 2008.

Observing Nights
Members Only
To see our schedule of dark sky observing nights for members, please see our Notice Board page.

Macastro Articles
Telescopes, Amateur Astronomy & More
A collection of articles written by our members, for our members.
Visit here to read about practical astronomy or contribute a new article.
See Articles Page

Public Outreach
Sharing our Universe
We visit schools and other local institutions to talk about our passion for astronomy and to show the night sky.
See Outreach page

Beginners Workshops
Learning To Use Your Telescope
A great opportunity to meet other members, find your way around the sky and learn how to get the most out of your telescope.
See Workshop page

Macastro Tours
Local and International
We have organised tours for members to visit astronomical facilities,
including observatories in NSW, Canberra, China, Peru and Chile.
See Tours Page

Return and Earn
We encourage our members to support the NSW Government’s Return and Earn plastic & glass bottle recycling scheme. Select Macarthur Astronomical Society using your barcode card at a reverse vending centre near you to donate the proceeds to MAS.
See Return and Earn Page

Please stay at home
If you or a family member are showing any symptoms of covid, influenza or the common cold etc., please do not attend any of our events. Thank you!