Can someone help me to learn how to use my new telescope?
We hold workshops to provide tips for members about operating their telescopes and navigating the night sky. Details.
We may also be able to answer some questions from members on our FaceBook group page or by e-mail : contact@macastro.org.au.
Can I borrow a telescope?
Yes. We have several telescopes suitable for our members who are beginners to borrow. Details
How do I join Macarthur Astronomical Society?
1. Your application form needs to be sent to the Membership Officer, whilst the appropriate fee needs to be paid into the MAS bank account.
2. For your first financial year you will be required to pay a joining fee but your annual fee will only pay for the number of months remaining in the financial year.
3. Go to the Join MAS page and scroll to the Membership Fees Table.
4. Select the row for the current month and the column for the class of membership. This indicates the reduced pro-rata fee for the remainder of the MAS financial year (which ends in March). Then add the fixed joining fee to obtain the total fee payable.
5. Go to the Payment page for payment options. It is very important to identify the payment with your name and the words new membership.
6. Download the application form, print it, fill it out and send a copy to membership@macastro.org.au.
How do I renew my annual MAS membership?
Please make your renewal payment between 1st March and 30th April.
1. Go to the Renewals page to determine the current annual fee. Then
2. Goto the Payment page for our range of payment options.
My MAS membership lapsed. How can I re-join?
Please follow the same procedure as a new member. You will be required to pay the joining fee.
What are the payment options?
We accept direct bank transfer. See Payment page. It is important that you identify the payment with your name and the words new membership or renewed membership.
I want to change my MAS password.
Go to the Members Login page and use the “Forgot password” link to reset your password. Please use a strong password.
I can’t login. What do I do?
Your username is in this format: firstname.lastname
If resetting your password does not help, then write to webmaster@macastro.org.au.
How do I contact MAS?
For membership queries, contact membership@macastro.org.au and for website matters, contact webmaster@macastro.org.au. For all general queries or to ask a question about amateur astronomy, write to contact@macastro.org.au. We no longer maintain a PO Box address.
Members Contributions
How do I submit a photograph to the MAS image gallery?
Logon and navigate to: Post to Image Gallery and follow the instructions to upload your best astro-images to Gallery 1 or other MAS related images to Gallery 2.
Do you have a reference library?
Yes! We have lots of articles about telescopes and astronomy, written by members. Feel free to browse them or contribute your own article. > Details <
Macarthur Astronomy Forum
What is the Macarthur Astronomy Forum?
It’s a monthly platform for notable Australian and international astronomers to share their research and discoveries, in a format understandable to non-scientists. Details of the next Forum are announced on the Notice Board page as they become available.
Who will be the upcoming guest speakers at the Macarthur Astronomy Forum?
A list of upcoming guest speakers can be viewed > HERE <
When will Macarthur Astronomy Forum return to Western Sydney University?
We returned to WSU in August 2023.
Public Stargazing Evenings
When is the next MAS public stargazing night?
We hold stargazing nights for the general public, either at Campbelltown Rotary Observatory or at The Oaks but these were placed on hold. When we resume stargazing nights, we will make an announcement. Details.
Who owns Campbelltown Rotary Observatory?
The observatory in Macarthur Heights is owned by Western Sydney University. Campbelltown Rotary helped raise the funding to build it. MAS has no financial stake but we do hold public stargazing nights there, in collaboration with WSU.
Will I be able to see a flag on the moon?
The flags are not visible using Earth based telescopes but spacecraft in Lunar orbit can pick them out, along with other artifacts left behind by the astronauts.
I just saw a UFO! Who do I contact?
The aliens. Contact the aliens. Ask them to take you to their leader.
But please do not call MAS.