Guest Speakers


Expand Your Universe

The Universe is expanding and so is our scientific understanding of it. Macarthur Astronomical Society spreads this knowledge to our members and the public through the Macarthur Astronomy Forum at Western Sydney University.

We provide a platform for notable Australian and international astronomers to share their discoveries about the Universe with the Macarthur community – in a non-technical format which is understandable to non-scientists. 

The monthly Forums are held 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm on a Monday. Details can be found on our News & Events page. Go to our Forum Map page for details of how to get there.

Guest Speaker Lists

Speaker List 1997-2019: > here <Speaker List 2020 onwards: below.

Guest Speaker List 2025

20th JanWSU Dr Caroline Foster (UNSW)Why do galaxies slow down as they age?
17th FebWSU Prof Richard de Grijs (Macquarie Uni)The Sound of Silence.
3rd MarWSUProf Fred Watson (AM)tba
17th MarWSU Dr Theresa Fruth (USYD)tba
21st AprWSU Elizabeth Arcadi (MSc Mac Uni)tba
19th MayWSU Dr Laura Driessen (USYD)tba
16th JunWSU tbatba
21st JulyWSUtbatba
18th AugWSUDr Luke Barnes (WSU)tba
15th SepWSUDr Brad Tucker (ANU)tba
20th OctWSUProf Charley Lineweaver (ANU)tba
17th NovWSUtbatba
1st DecWSUtbatba

Guest Speaker List 2024

15th JanWSU Dr Ciaran O’Hare (USYD) The Biggest Objects are Influenced by the Tiniest.
19th FebWSU Dr Stefania Barsanti (ANU)The Spinning of Galaxies in the Web of Our Universe.
18th MarWSU Prof Ray Norris (WSU) (Zoom)Odd Radio Circles: Explosions in distant galaxies.
15th AprWSU AGM + Phil Kidd (MAS)Smart Telescopes. The new thing in Astronomy.
20th MayWSU Dr Laura Driessen (USYD)Radio Astronomy And The Hunt for Radio Stars
17th JunWSU Prof Roberto Soria INAF (Zoom)Astronomy in Shakespeare
15th JulyWSUDr Brad Tucker (ANU)Mt Stromlo: The first 100 years, and into the future.
19th AugWSUProf Jonti Horner (USEQ) (ZOOM)A Comet’s Tale
16th SepWSUFrank Alvaro (MAS Member)From Backyard to Deep Space. A Journey in Astrophotography.
21st OctWSUProf Richard de Grijs (Macquarie Uni)Postponed to 17th February 2025
18th NovWSUDr Tayyaba Zafar (Macq Uni)tba
2nd DecWSUProf Geraint Lewis (USYD)tba

Guest Speaker List 2023

16 Jan Zoom David Nelson (MAS member) Meteorites 101
21 FebZoomDr Jonty MarshallSpilling The Secrets Of Exoplanets
20 MarZoomSarah Caddy (Macq Uni)The Huntsman Telescope at the AAO
17 AprZoomAGM then Prof Charley Lineweaver (ANU)The Galactic Habitable Zone
15 MayZoomProf Jonti Horner (USQ)The Search for Alien Worlds
19 JunZoomDr Brad Tucker (ANU)Exploding Stars and Dark Energy
17 JulZoomProf Matthew Bailes (Swinburne)Postponed
14 AugWSUProf Joss Bland-Hawthorn (USYD)|(Zoom)Daily Life of Supermassive Black Holes
4 SepWSUProf Matthew Bailes (Swinburne)Exploring Einstein’s Universe
18 SepWSUDr Doris Grosse (ANU) (Zoom)Twinkle, Twinkle Little Junk
16 OctWSUProf Geraint Lewis (USYD) (Zoom)Black Holes, Time & the Early Universe
20 NovWSUDr Luke Barnes (WSU)Is there life out there in the Universe?
04 DecWSUDr Lucyna ChudczerThe European Southern Observatory

Guest Speaker List 2022

17 JanZoom Dr Devika Kamath (MaqU) Unravelling Chemical Diversity Shaping our Universe.
21 FebZoom Dr Brad Tucker (ANU) Shocking Supernova & discovering progenitors.
21 MarZoom Prof Roberto Soria (UCAS)Revisiting the expansion of the universe.
18 AprZoom Dr Tayyaba Zafar (Macq Uni)+AGMDistant faint galaxies, like an Easter Egg hunt
16 May
Prof Charley Lineweaver (ANU)The Origin of the Universe from ‘Nothing’.
20 JunZoom Prof Roberto Soria (UCAS)Sagittarius A* Black Hole.
18 JulZoomDr Simon Ellis (Macq Uni)MAVIS, for the Very Large Telescope in Chile.
29 AugZoomProf Joss Bland-Hawthorn (USYD)Giant waves across the Milky Way.
22 SepZoomDr Luke Barnes (WSU) Aristotle, Newton, Einstein.
17 OctZoomDr Emil Lenc (ATNF)ASKAP.
21 NovZoom Malcolm Ellis (MAS member)Neutrino Telescopes.
05 DecZoom Prof Geraint Lewis (USYD)Dark Matter & Dark Energy.

Guest Speaker List 2021

18 JanZoom Dr Devika Kamath (Maq Uni)Cosmic Alchemy: Origin of elements in the Universe.
15 FebZoom Dr Tayyaba Zafar (AAO)Dust: Wipe It Or Keep It, It’s Ubiquitous
15 MarZoom Dr Brett Addison (USQ)Exoplanets, TESS & Minerva-Australis Telescope.
20 AprZoom Dr Angel Lopez SanchezObserving with The AAT – LIVE!
17 MayZoom Dr Ashley Ruiter (UNSW Can) White dwarfs in close binaries: Type 1a supernovae to LISA
21 JunZoom Prof Geraint Lewis (USYD) Do I expand with the universe? Understanding cosmology
19 JulZoom Dr Jonty Marshall (ASIAA) Rocks fall, everything fries: the fate of comets around stars.
16 AugZoom Dr Emil Lenc (CSIRO) An ASKAP update – Episode II – Attack of the Pilots.
20 SepZoom Kirsten Banks (UNSW) Diving deep inside stars.
18 OctZoom Prof Tim Bedding (USYD) Planets & starquakes: NASA’s Kepler & TESS Missions.
15 NovCancelledDr Devika Kamath (Maq U) Unravelling the Chemical Diversity Shaping our Universe.
06 DecZoom Prof Geraint Lewis (USYD) From the quantum to the cosmos.

Guest Speaker List 2020

20 JanWSURic Forster (MAS)How radio telescopes create an image.
17 FebWSUProf Fred WatsonCosmic chronicles.
16 MarCancelledProf Tim BeddingPlanets & Starquakes: NASA’s Keppler/TESS Missions.
20 AprCancelledLes DalrympleAGM held on Zoom.
18 MayZoomDr Luke Barnes (UWS)Cosmic Revolutionary’s Handbook.
15 JunZoomDr Lucyna ChudczerInfrastructure for Australian Astronomers.
20 JulZoomProf Roberto SoriaGalaxies, Galaxy Clusters, Mass & Dark Matter.
17 AugZoomDr Emil Lenc (ASKAP)ASKAP Update – Let the Science Begin!
21 SepZoomProf Michael Wheatland (USYD)Solar Activity.
19 OctZoomProf Geraint Lewis (USYD)The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5).
16 NovZoomProf Charley Lineweaver (ANU)Progress in the Search for Life Beyond Earth.
07 DecZoomDr Brad Tucker (ANU)Ultraviolet Astronomy from High-Altitude Balloons.
A Historical Guest Speaker List for 1997-2019 is available > here <
“We are passionate about discovering the Cosmos.


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Macarthur Astronomy Forum and other outreach initiatives are made possible by collaboration with Western Sydney University and Campbelltown Rotary Observatory.