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✨ πŸ‘€ Webmaster’s Focus

✨ πŸ‘€ July 2024: Four Years, for Four Minutes of Your Life

The Eclipse is Almost On Us!

At least that’s the way it seems to me, after ten years of counting down here on the >MAS website<. So, with a mere four years to go until the Great Sydney Solar Eclipse on 22nd July 2028, it will soon be time to begin thinking about preparations, because for many of us this may be the only chance of a lifetime.

I have learnt two things from eclipse veterans after the recent total eclipse in North America:

Tip 1: Plan well ahead. Get tips from experts. Purchase any new photographic equipment or eclipse spectacles you need well before the rush starts. Know where you are going to observe from. Find a spot where your view of the Sun will not be blocked at 2pm on a winters day. It’s never too early to practice your solar photography or video techniques.

Tip 2: If it will be your first total solar eclipse, don’t over complicate the plan, because you need to enjoy those four very special minutes.

Four years may seem too soon to begin planning but remember how precious those four minutes will be!

Roger Powell

πŸ“£ Members Event Diary

6th July
At The Oaks
Observing evening
Sunset 4.59 pm Moon set 4.59 pm
6th July
At Oakdale Map
Observing night
Sunset 4.59 pm Moon set 4.59 pm
15th July
Macarthur Astronomy Forum
at WSU Map.
Guest Speaker: Dr Brad Tucker (ANU)
7.15pm for 7.30 pm start
27th July
At The Oaks
Observing evening
Sunset 5.12 pm Moon rise 23.48

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Macarthur Astronomy Forum

Monday 15th July

Guest speaker: Dr Brad Tucker (ANU)

Topic tba

Macarthur Astronomy Forum is open to MAS members, WSU students and the general public. No admission fee (maybe if you come more than a couple of times you might like to think about becoming an MAS member). Gold coin donations appreciated. The Forums are held in lecture theatre 30 in the School of Medicine (Building 30), Goldsmith Avenue, WSU Campbelltown Campus. You can find a location map and details by following this link.

πŸ”­ Our Observing Sites

Wooglemai is our members prime dark sky observing site located near Oakdale. With clubhouse amenities, sleeping accommodation and unlimited all night viewing hours, the experience provides members with excellent value for money. See our Wooglemai page for site details.

Stargard is our main general purpose observing field at The Oaks. Whilst it does not boast the facilities that Wooglemai does, it provides convenient evening sessions closer to home and free of charge to members. See our Stargard page for site details.

Coming? We need to know who is planning to attend our observing sessions. Members are requested to contact John Rombi at: to reserve a place before travelling to an observing session. For essential information about our observing session protocols, please read our Field Night page.

🌦️ Weather Check

Article: Weather Forecasting for Amateur Astronomers

The Oaks Weather-cam: South facing

The Oaks Weather-cam: North facing

πŸ“œ General Notices

Committee Members 2024-25

President: John Rombi
Vice President: Noel Sharpe
Secretary: Roger Powell
Treasurer: Suzanne Adijans
Membership Officer: Frank Alvaro
Committee Member: Greg Bradford
Committee Member: Phil Kidd

Annual Report & Minutes

The MAS Annual Report is now available to read or download > HERE <
AGM Minutes are available > HERE <


Members intending to attend our observing nights must read our Field Night page and Stargard or Wooglemai pages. Sessions are normally scheduled for Saturdays, because we recognise the needs of members who may have weekday jobs to go to. In the event of a doubtful weather forecast, members should check both here and our social media pages.

Laser Pointers

It is a legal requirement here in NSW to register laser pointer ownership with the Police Firearms Registry. However, as MAS members, you are exempted from this obligation if the laser pointer is only used for astronomy. The Society keeps a register of members who are laser pointer owners and requires you to formally notify the Membership Officer if you have purchased a laser pointer.

MAS Private Messages

Due to privacy laws, MAS is prohibited from releasing members e-mail addresses. The intention of the PM system is to permit an individual member to contact another without initially knowing their e-mail address. You can find the PM System in the Users menu above, after you have logged on.


Please contact Frank Alvaro (Membership Officer) for all new membership enquiries: or go to our new membership page.


E-mail is our primary means of direct communication with all our members, so don’t forget to tell us if your e-mail address changes:

Member’s Postal Address.

Membership cards are posted annually to the last postal address which you have provided to us, so please contact us with your new details at

MAS Postal Address

We no longer maintain a PO Box address. After many years the cost and time did not justify a service that was so rarely used.

If you or a family member are showing any symptoms of covid, influenza or the common cold etc. please do not attend any of our events.